About this website


Waag Futurelab investigates the idea that an alternative internet is possible. Just as we expect in our physical spaces, people using technology should be treated as free citizens rather than consumers in a market or subjects in a state. We strive for a public stack, an approach where all of the layers that contribute to technology – the foundational values, the design process, the technology itself, and the ways in which these layers position people – are based on public values. That is why Waag is actively committed to making gaps in the pile visible and identifying, developing and supporting alternatives. In this way, we contribute to an alternative internet that is developed on the basis of public values and can be trusted.

This website was made possible because of the generous funding of our donors: The European Cultural Foundation, the Adessium Foundation, and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). We thank them for their support!


Whether you would like to learn more about the public stack, contribute to digital public spaces, or share your own opinions and experiences, we are happy to hear from you. 

Visit our Future Internet Lab for more information or email researcher Max Kortlander at max (at) waag (dot) org.


